We went into self-quarantine on March 14, 2020. No one knew how long it would last, or how intense it would be. We just knew we had to lock it down and wait. Throughout our quarantine, we kept track of our day to day—what else was there to do? Here’s our family log of our first 60 days in lockdown, with pictures and the occasional audio interview.
Days 43-44
Sunday (day 43) was blessed. Actually got out on the water and kayaked. Was reminded that we have excellent waterways just minutes from our house. Moments of zen. And lovely dinner after. Etc.
Sunday night sucked. Monday night is currently sucking. Camille continues to aggressively violate the Geneva Convention by forbidding us from resting or sleeping once the sun goes down. (No advice, please. We're deep into professional medical help at this point.) Parenting 24/7 and also not sleeping is not the most fun we've had.
Yayyyyyy quarantine.
Days 45-49
Tuesday through Saturday. We've somehow managed to get Camille's sleep on track. The four nights of normal human sleep has sure been somethin'. Hoping for a 5th.
The week was mostly just kind of hard and stressful with kids and sleep and work, but it ended with everyone feeling pretty good.
Also, the amazing Colleen made us chicken and waffles for dinner on Wednesday. Fried the chicken herself and made maple/Sriracha syrup.
One balmy evening, Camille and I played...I'm not sure what. She was a motorcycle star? I kept timing her doing laps on her old strider bike just to get some of her wiggles out. She made a whole character/scene out of it, as she does. There's a video.
We got two unexpected May Day deliveries from friends. Lovely!
Saturday felt like summer...sunny and hot, with a blissfully cool evening. (Ran an errand after the sun went down...forgot how great summer night air feels with the windows down.) The day also consisted of a looooottttt of yard work, because after all we're still American Midwesterners.
And we capped it with this absurd purchase: An actual rainbow. It took 650 years to pump it up. But they liked it.